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    Operation Thunderstorm-SKIDROW لعبه حربية ( روابط رابيد شير )


    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 218
    العمر : 34
    المهنة : Operation Thunderstorm-SKIDROW لعبه حربية ( روابط رابيد شير ) Unknow10
    نشاط العضو :
    Operation Thunderstorm-SKIDROW لعبه حربية ( روابط رابيد شير ) Left_bar_bleue100 / 100100 / 100Operation Thunderstorm-SKIDROW لعبه حربية ( روابط رابيد شير ) Right_bar_bleue

    احترام قوانين المنتدى : Operation Thunderstorm-SKIDROW لعبه حربية ( روابط رابيد شير ) 111010
    نقاط : 11308
    السٌّمعَة : 0
    تاريخ التسجيل : 07/01/2009

    جديد2 Operation Thunderstorm-SKIDROW لعبه حربية ( روابط رابيد شير )

    مُساهمة  Admin الإثنين مارس 09, 2009 3:01 am

    Operation Thunderstorm-SKIDROW

    Operation Thunderstorm-SKIDROW لعبه حربية ( روابط رابيد شير ) 2q179k2

    Operation Thunderstorm-SKIDROW لعبه حربية ( روابط رابيد شير ) Foto+Operation+Thunderstorm

    Operation Thunderstorm-SKIDROW لعبه حربية ( روابط رابيد شير ) Mortyr-Operation-Thunderstorm-101-Patch-DE_4

    Operation Thunderstorm-SKIDROW لعبه حربية ( روابط رابيد شير ) Mortyr-Operation-Thunderstorm-101-Patch-DE_3

    proudly presents
    Operation Thunderstorm / City Interactive

    RELEASE DATE : 30-01-2009 PROTECTION : DVD Authorize
    GAME TYPE : Shooter DISKS : 1 DVD

    Release Notes:

    It is World War II. In 1942, Germany is at the peak of its
    might. The Third Reich spans most of Europe. It rests on the
    Pyrenees on the West, and in the East Wehrmaht soldiers can
    already see the spires of the Kremlin.

    One of the few still independent countries is Great Berlin.
    The British Goverment drafts a plan for the most daring
    wartime operation. Key officials of the Third Reich are to
    become targets of surgical precision strikes. After a few
    months of gathering intelligence, MI6 designates three
    targets, the likelihood of whose assassination is higher than

    Targets are: Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler and Herman

    Flight through the French town of Vervins, Himmler's Bavarian
    Castle and a secret facility in the Owl Mountains in Poland.

    Become MI6's secret agent Jan Mortyr and execute secret
    missions on the enemy from behind cover.

    A wide range of authentic WWII weapons.

    Realistic locations, Faithfully imitating war-torn Europe.

    Go head to head with differnt classes of enemies controlled by
    a superior AI suppoerted by the Jupiter EX engine.

    9 very playable levels, providing several hours of great fun.

    Install Notes:

    1. Unpack release
    2. Mount image or burn it
    3. Install game
    4. Update by running OTpatch_1.01a_EN.exe from the SKIDROW dir
    5. Copy the content from SKIDROW dir to your distination dir
    6. Play the game

    Remember to check our cool cracktro first!


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